November 23, 2011

My Bucket List

This post will be a work in progress. As I sit here today thinking about all of the things I am thankful for, I've decided I need a bucket list/wish list/want list! But I have a sad sad announcement, I don't know where to begin. My first item is the purchase more property or find a much much larger ranch. Second for that property to have a house or us build one where we currently are! We are outgrowing our 920 square feet in the barn, quickly. This is 'my' list but I'm going to enlist the help of my mother and husband, my goal by the end of the weekend - 20 items! So here's a start:

- Purchase more land or find a great big ranch to buy
- Said ranch should have a house or we will go back to our original plans and build one
- Go to Vegas - sounds crazy, but I've never been
- Go to Australia - been a goal of ours for many years
- Keep up with the laundry for at least 2 weeks - I do good 1 week at a time but I know it can happen.
- Begin consigning cattle to Registered Angus and Brangus sales by 2013
- Provide for my family the best I can each day

These are a few of the big one's, I'll dig deeper!

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