January 12, 2016

Christmas in the Country

I've been involved in several secret gift exchanges, but non like Christmas in the Country. The excitement of shopping for the gift receiver and getting your own package from the post office is like none other. Why you may ask...because these are like-minded, agricultural related people that you have been stalking for weeks!

First, I was to send a gift to Robyn Goddard of South Dakota. I spent a few weeks looking through her blog, The Ranch Wife Chronicles, and learning more about her. What I found was that we are the same age, doing the same job, in very similar lifestyles. We have similar beliefs and could probably throw a great BBQ and have a lot of fun, laughter and serious conversations. Do I want to make a quick trip to South Dakota, absolutely!

Second, I was on the receiving end of a great surprise. I received a box from Mexico, Missouri. At first I couldn't pinpoint why that would even seem familiar, but before I even opened the box I knew it came from someone that GOT me! Boy was I surprised to see Christmas in the Country from Melinda Bastian. Like us the Bastian's raise cattle, and especially show cattle. That is a whole different breed than the people who just run cattle on wide open spaces. This family understands the planning, generations, time and long hours of raising a calf into a cow that produces something that will spend a lot of it's life in a barn. The barn hours are long but so rewarding!

Here is a picture of my Christmas package:

First - notice the family picture. That was something I included with my package because I wanted someone to put a face with names immediately. There is also a cookbooks, something I sent as well. It's amazing how much this group of women have in common. I also received a few Christmas ornaments with show calves and a show mom necklace that I can't wait to wear! There is also a hand stitched western piece that I have on a special side table. The thoughtfulness and excitement is overwhelming. The box also had candy canes...that my daughter stole!

The thing that inspired me the most is that Melinda is a mentor. She's a mother, a wife and involved in the show cattle business. I hope to be able to communicate and ask questions as she's been in situations that I will be in soon.

Thank you to the Christmas in the Country hostesses, Jamie (This Uncharted Rhoade), Laurie (COUNTRY LINKed), Lara (My Other More Exciting Self) and Kirby (15009 Farmhouse).  I am already looking forward to next year!

January 1, 2016

Reflecting and Looking Forward

As I sit here on New Year’s Eve and reflect on 2015, I don’t even know where to start. By all means it was a blessed year. Our kids are growing up and we accomplished many goals set forth a year ago. It hasn’t been an easy year by far. There were a lot of decisions made, some easy, some hard, but all in all, we wouldn’t take back where we are now. Not one second would I look back and wish I had made a different decision. A week ago I may not have said the same thing. But as I am half way through Jen Hatmaker’s book, For the Love, I have finally, at thirty-one years old, realized that I do have to run my race. I still have no idea what that race is and some day it will all come together. But without the hard work and hard decisions this year, we wouldn’t be where we are now.
A few things I learned in 2015:
-We can weather any storm with a strong marriage.
-Leftovers can be re-invented a million times if you already used your grocery budget for the month.
-You can leave the grocery store with $20 worth of goods if you only take in $20.
-People will hang up on you, not return phone calls and dust you aside…but that will bite them back in 2016. So I’ve learned to return every phone call, at least listen to every side and remember you make enemies and friends in the same amount of time. It is a lot easier to call a friend for help in the future than an enemy you made a year ago.
-Delete facebook friends and add blogs that you follow. This is a work in progress. As much as I enjoy following people around in the daily lives on facebook, that is a complete waste of my time, they don’t contribute one bit to my well-being. I’d much rather find a circle of like-minded bloggers to read about and stay in touch with that not only provide educational material, but also uplifting and genuine posts that make an impact on me and my family.

One of my Christmas presents was an Erin Condren calendar. While I’ve looked at this a million times I would have not spent that much money on a calendar in my lifetime. BUT, I can’t tell you the difference this calendar has already made on my 2016. While I love technology, I can throw a calendar in my purse, in the feed truck and on trips and always know what’s going to happen next. I’ve filled in a book list for the year, my New Year’s Resolutions, financial calendar and daily activities for the next month. I figured I needed one month to learn how to use the calendar and what I may want to add to it for the rest of the year.
Last thought – If you are waiting until January 1st to get your year in order…you are already a day behind.