January 24, 2017

Living in the Dark

Last weekend our electricity went out when the fabulous winter storm Jupiter hit the Texas Panhandle. Fortunately for us girls, and unfortunately for the guys...Tana and I were already in Ft. Worth for the Stock Show. We headed out before the ice storm to get set up and Tate's heifer adjusted to civilization. To say it has been a challenge would be an understatement.

We still don't have power...and no I have not called the power company. As you drive into town there are still power poles on the ground. What would be the point of me calling to ask? Living the dark it not as big of an adjustment for us as most people. We spend a lot of time outside. And the generator that is hooked up does the job well enough. Enough being that you have to pick and choose what you turn on at the same time, no washing dishes and doing laundry at the same time! It will be nice to have full power back on, but living in the dark makes you appreciate life.

This has also given me the opportunity to reflect on times we ask for questions and demand answers, knowing the other end can't give us the result we want. Then don't make that phone call. Until all the power poles are back up, there is no reason for me to call and pester an overwhelmed electric company on when MY power is going to be back on. They have much bigger projects and more important customers that can't live in the dark to take care of.

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