June 1, 2010

When It Rains, It Floods

We all know the common term when it rains it pours, meaning when something happens, it all happens!!! Yesterday it poured at our place!!! Having some time to get caught up on our chores I began by mowing. Our lawnmower has one of those seats that adjusts for those of us with short legs! At one point I scooted the seat closer to the pedals and realized the seat was not attached well. A few minutes later I found myself mowing a pile of tumbleweeds. It took 5th gear and a good start to climb on top of the pile and as soon as I put it into gear and took off I had an awful feeling.

Can anyone claim to have been bucked off a lawnmower?

The feeling was such a surprise. While I didn't come off the mower, I got real close. I then proceeded to zip tie the seat back to the bracket and later found the actual bolt that holds it on!!! Not to mention I drove off into the playa lake to get a hay bale and successfully got myself un-stuck. There was no way I was calling Ryan!!!! He laughs at me. He's upgraded my status from being about to tear up an anvul with a rubber mallet to being about to tear it up with a feather!!! And he stills wants help changing the oil in the trucks!!!

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